Easy Elephant Diaper Cake Ideas

a big box with diapers, a cuddly elephant and other small accessorieslarge cuddly elephant diaper cake for baby boy

How about an elephant diaper cake for your next baby gift?

Is the new mummy an elephant lover? Is the baby shower theme elephants, circus, safari or jungle? An elephant pampers cake it is!

Many people are fond of elephants and an elephant themed diaper cake is easy to make for all genders. As you know, real elephants are gray and gray is a neutral color. But toy elephants and cuddly elephants also come in pink and blue and even more colors. Just perfect!

I have made several easy elephant diaper cakes both for family and friends and also for sale at my diaper cake business. I even once tried a diaper elephant in the real elephant shape but did not do very well, so sorry, no photos here. However at the bottom of this page you can find the link to the tutorial and - if you "dare" - have a try yourself.

The big advantage of this kind of diaper cakes is also that baby will have all the "elephant items" to keep and a cuddly elephant to play with while if you make an elephant shaped diaper cake it will be gone once the diapers will be used up on baby. 

a little gray basket filled with diapers,a cuddly elephant and a sleeping diaper babyhomemade birth gift featuring a cuddly elephant

I prefer the easy elephant diaper cake variations shown here. They all contain a cuddly little elephant for baby to keep and I have used stacked diapers in most cases. So these diaper gifts are quick and easy to make and let the diapers keep their form. If the diapers are rolled they can loose their shape and are difficult to use on baby.

You do not really need a step-by-step tutorial for these homemade baby diaper gifts. The photos should rather give you an idea and after you have read the text the rest is sort of "self-explanatory".

The advantage of this kind of diaper cakes is also that baby and the family will have all the "elephant items" to keep while if you make an elephant shaped diaper cake it will be gone once the diapers will be  used on baby. 

Cute and (#ad) cuddly elephants to use for your elephant diaper cake. 

Traditional Elephant Diaper Cake

a round one tier diaper cake wrapped in a cloth with elephants all over design, on top of the diaper cake is a blue cuddly elephant with red earscute little elephants everywhere!

This is a simple 1-tier diaper cake in the traditional round cake shape which I placed on a burp cloth with an elephant design. I then folded up the corners and tied them up with some curly ribbon. You can also use a receiving blanket for this purposes - as long as it has an elephant pattern :-) Place and arrange your elephant items on top and you're good! Of course you can also use more than 1 tier for this kind of elephant diaper cake. Follow this link for my 1-tier diaper cake tutorial. If you like, you'll be guided to the ones with several tiers from there.   

Quick Elephant Diaper Cake In A Cloth

Here is another elephant diaper cake idea. I have stacked some diapers in a cloth covered with elephants. The I have arranged various "all things elephant" for baby girl between on on the diapers. It's easy to stick your items in between the spaces. What a quick and lovely pampers cake! 

a large burp cloth filled with diapers and all sorts of baby stuff for baby girl - elephants everywhere!elephant diaper cake idea for baby girl

Elephant Diaper Cake In A Basket

a gray storage basket with lots of elephant themed baby items on top, colors are all gray and pink for a baby girl, the basket is personalized with the name "Elli" in wooden letters on a ribbonquick and easy to make baby gift basket

For this cute elephant themed baby girl basket I have used stacked diapers and then placed my items either on top or stuck them in between the diapers. The gray elephant rattle socks (in front, middle) came with some "plastic feet" inside so I could just place them on top. I made a pair of sleeping diaper babies out of the pink elephant socks (in front, right). The elephant head in the left side's back belongs to a pink security blanket with which I have covered most of the stacked diapers in the back. What you see rolled up in the middle of the back is a knotted baby hat, which of course has little elephants printed all over! For the final touch I have personalized the basket with a wooden letters and beads name chain. It can easily be fixed in the front with two little clothes pegs.    

Elephant Diaper Cake In A Storage Box

just look at this cute elephant toy box!

The main elephant piece of this diaper gift is the storage box with a big elephant printed on. It's filled with a diaper pack. The items I have used to complete the elephant design are a baby onesie with a little elephant printed on (rolled around a diaper and ends tied with ribbons so it looks just like a huge candy), an elephant pacifier, elephant baby socks and an elephant wash cloth (used for the diaper baby) as well as a little elephant peg and a little foam elephant.  

#ad Cute personalized elephant onesie to include in your elephant baby gift.

Girl Elephant Diaper Cake

the cutest homemade baby girl shower gift

It's really quite easy to find baby things with elephant design, both for girls and for boys. And this foldable rectangle cloth storage organizer in pink polka dot is ideal to combine with gray, pink and white items. I folded the diapers and left space to stuff my items, such as the sock rose, in between. The diaper baby has a wash cloth with little elephants on and the elephant security blanket is mainly hidden between the diapers with just the head sticking out. Lots of little decoration items such as the pacifier, a felt heart, a princess crown and paper flowers stuck between the diapers make this baby girl gift complete.  

Boy Elephant Diaper Cake

elephants, elephants, elephants - even the pacifier has an elephant!

I was lucky to find that pink polka dot foldable organizer I used for the baby girl gift above in turquoise as well. Here I made the diaper baby with two pairs of socks and used a pair with elephant design for the baby's "sleeping bag". The outside of the sock rose has a wash cloth with elephant design as well, I found a cuddly daddy and baby elephant rattle toy and even a pacifier with an elephant on. The gift would have been even more perfect if the diaper design would have been elephants as well. It's koalas, but at least they are gray :-) 

Diaper Elephant

Of course you can make an elephant shaped diaper cake, too. But believe me, it is difficult! Having made over 2000 diaper cakes, I consider myself an "experienced and advanced diaper cake master" but this elephant did not go very well :-) But maybe I just had a bad day and should have another go...

But well, just have a try yourself: diaper elephant instructions for an elephant shaped diaper cake.

elephant storage box filled with various baby items with an elephant designmore elephants for baby!

It must not necessarily be elephants!

You can make all these cakes with other animal designs, too. I have used ducks, sheep, mice, rabbits, unicorns, donkeys, whales and others. I also make diaper animals in the real shape like diaper snails, diaper owls and diaper bears. 

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