This diaper bouquet tutorial shows you in detail how to make an easy, beautiful diaper bouquet with stacked diapers.
If you want to roll the pampers, check how it's done via the link further down. It does not really matter whether you roll or stack the diapers but stacking usually is less complicated and the diapers are easier to use on baby since you do not have to bend and roll up the diapers.
This tutorial shows how to stack the pampers into a pan what makes it a really quick and easy do-it-yourself baby gift. The idea of using a baby tights is my very own, so I can say this really is quite a unique homemade baby gift!
And really everybody can do it. Give it a try and you'll see it works great if you follow these easy instructions. Even if you have never made a diaper cake or a diaper gift before, making this will not be too difficult. So let's do it!
Choosing any other theme, of course will be fine, too.
Mix and match your embellishments just as you like!
For your baby bouquet, take your cake setting ring, cake pan or any similar container and neatly stack the diapers in there. Ideally, in depth, the container should cover two third of the diapers with approx. one third sticking out. Start from the outside and move to the inside.
Leave a hole right in the middle big enough to stuck in your center accessory. The pampers can fit quite loosely and do not need to be too tight in the pan. Fix with a big rubber band or tie some string around (or do both).
Flip your container and take out the tied pampers. That's your bouquet base.
We still need to fill the hole in the middle now. But if you do not have any special item to put in the middle just stuff another (loosely rolled) diaper in there. In case you want to make lots of diaper bouquets for a baby shower decoration, also just fill the middle with another pampers. This makes an easy yet effectful and very cute baby shower decoration that can be used up completely after the shower.
Now insert one leg of the baby tights into the other so just one single leg stays. Take your pampers bouquet base and pull the tights over. Have about one third of the diapers stick out at the top.
Then insert your kitchen towel roll through the middle into the now single leg.
And if the leg of the tights is too long just stuff the end (the feet) into your kitchen roll.
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For the center piece of your nappy bouquet, you have many possibilities such as using a Taggies, a colorful burp cloth, a stick rattle or some clothing. Here I have chosen a long-sleeved baby tee in pirate style.
A romper or a long-sleeved onesie also would be good. Fold the tee / onesie in half with the sleeves being on top of each other.
Then just roll up from the bottom. If necessary fix with a rubber band or some string / ribbon. Take the sleeves and make a loose knot.
Stick the tee in the middle of your base so just the knotted sleeves stick out just like a flower in blossom.
Tie a decorative ribbon around your base where the tights hit the pampers so this passage is covered. Make a bow or just a knot and let the ends hang down.
Cut the ends diagonally.
Either use 6 colored feeding spoons or 3 feedings spoons and a baby training toothbrush set. Stick them in your pampers base and have them poke out about half.
Take some more ribbon, fix your pacifier on it and tie it around a spoon or your baby toothbrush. Then also stick it into your diaper base and have the pacifier hang down nicely.
At your own will add a stroller chain. Usually the chains have clips so they can be easily attached without any other auxiliary means.
If you like, also add some more ribbons. Do not forget to place one around the kitchen towel roll right underneath the diaper base so the base does not slip down.
Always have the ends hang down decoratively and cut them diagonally for a cuter look.
This is the finished pampers bouquet, pirate theme, for a little boy!
As you see, making a diaper bouquet is very easy and it certainly is a fun and a unique baby gift! While diaper cakes meanwhile are widely given, diaper bouquets still are something rather special!
Made a diaper bouquet, maybe even with my instructions ?
Please share it with us at my Diaper Cake Gallery. Thank you!
Want to know how to make a pampers bouquet with rolled diapers? Find my diaper bouquet tutorial for this beautiful girl bouquet made out of rolled diapers, by clicking on the image.
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